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Alla-Kuli-khan Madrasah

медресе Алла-Кули-хана

   In the inner city of Khiva, Ichan-Kale, between the covered bazaar Tim and the eastern gate of Palvan-Darvaz is the Madrasah of Alla-Kuli-khan. Madrasah was built by order and with the funds of Alla-Kuli-khan in 1834-1835.
Specialists note that the madrasahs architecture is of the Khorezm style of the late Middle Ages. But, for visitors this madrassah is an impressive structure and striking with its beauty and grace. In the decor of the madrassa there is a painted majolica in black and white and blue tones, covering vertical surfaces, semi-arches and false structures.
Madrasah has a rectangular shape, which has 99 cells. The portal is traditionally divided into two parts: the right is the mosque, and in the left there is a large classroom. Previously, there was a library on the first floor, which provided books to all students of Khiva. Nowadays it is once one of the largest madrasahs of Khiva and serves as a museum of the history of medicine named after Abu Ali ibn Sina


Useful links:
Other sights of Khiva
Tours round Khiva



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