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Buyan Kuli-Khan Mousoleum.

мавзолей Буян-кули-хана2

        The mausoleum of Buyan-Kuli-Khan is an anchient medival burial vault of Khan Chigatai Khanate Buyan Kuli. It was built in the outskirts of Bukhara in 1358.
       The mausoleum of Buyan-Kuli-Khan is located near the ancient 14th century mausoleums of Sayfiddin Boharzi, in the Faisakhan district, in the eastern part of the city in Bukhara. Chegatai khan Buyan Kuli was Sayfiddin Bohazis pupil.
The medival architectural monument is a rectangular building on a high pedestal with two rooms.The mausoleum is framed by four decorative columns. Apart from the building there is a portal peshtak, which is decorated with beautiful images with glazed terracotta.
The facade of the mosoleumis rich in its decorative ornaments and delicate white, blue, violet and indigo colors- it is decorated with drawings od plants, letters and geometric figures. The architecture of the Buyan-Kuli-Khan mosoleum is characterized for its grace and refinement. The mosoleum was completely restored in 1926.


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