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Dorus - Saodat Complex

комплекс Дорус-Саодат

        The complex Dorus-Saodat means “the savior of power repository” or “House of Power” it was built for the dynasty of Timurids immediately after the death of Timur’s son Jahongir in the XIV century. The complex can be found in the south western territory of Shahrisabz. It consists of mausoleums of Jahongir, Omar and Tamerlane as well as the mosques of Hazrati Imam. 
    From the historical sources; this architectural complex is named Dorus-Saodat for its cultural remembrance, however the locals call it Hazrati Imam. The building was built on the orders of Amir Timur. When his son Jahongir died in 1376 they brought the body to Shahrisabz for the burial. His second son Omar Sheyx was also buried here after being killed during the siege of the fortress Kurd in Iran.
Up to the present day, from the ground departments from Dorus-Saodat only the left side of its former monumental portal has been reached, in which the mausoleum of Jahongir was built, and beneath it is buried the funerary crypt. However, archaeological excavations revealed the remains of other walls and premises, which allows to present the general scheme of Dorus-Saodat. In its foundations there were two mausoleums. To the east of Jahongir's mausoleum was another crypt. At the entrance to the mausoleum there is a small commemoration room.
The best architects from Khorezm worked on the mausoleum. As a result, the building turned out 38 meters in height with a pointed dome, covered with images and Arabic script with excerpts from the Koran.


Useful links:
Other sights of Shakhrisabz
Tours round Shakhrisabz



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