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Hazrati Imam Complex

Ташкент. Хазрати Имам

        The Hazrati Imam architectural complex is a landmark not only in Tashkent but also in world culture.The complex, located on Zaikarnar street in the old part of the city of Tashkent, is truly unique in every respect. The architectural elements of this complex were erected in different periods of the history of our city. The tomb "KaffalShoshiy", Madrasah "Barakhan" and Madrassah "MuyiMuborak" were built in the XVI century, the mosque "Namazgokh", in which the main festive prayers were held, was built in the XIX century (around 1865), the cathedral mosque "TillaShaykh "- in the XX century (in 1903), and the mosque" Khazrati Imam "and the new administrative building of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan were erected in the shortest time.
The tomb (mausoleum) KafalShoshiy was erected in honor of Abu Bakr ibn Ismail al-Kaffal al-Shoshiy (903-975 ). Kafal al-Shashi, also known as Khazrati Imam was born in the Shash region (now Tashkent). He was educated in his hometown, and then improved his knowledge in the centers of Islam of that time - Bukhara, Samarkand, Termez. Here he studied the works of the great scholars and muhaddis of Imam al-Bukhari, Muhammad at-Termisi, perfected his knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence and other sciences. He was a missionary, one of the first preachers of Islam in Tashkent, preaching Shaafiism. The interests of Imam Abu Bakr KaffolShoshiy were not limited to theology and jurisprudence. From historical sources it is known that he was also fond of poetry and was an excellent master in the manufacture of locks and keys, for which he received the nickname "Kaffal" - "Zamochnik".Abu Bakr ibn Ismail al-Kaffal Al-Shoshiy died in the 10th century AD. and was buried in the territory of the present complex "Khazrati Imam".
Another of the oldest structures of this complex, the MujiMuborak madrassa ("Sacred Hair"), built in the 16th century, is also distinguished by its unique history. This madrasah keeps the hair of the Prophet Muhammad, thanks to which it got its name. At present, the library of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan is located in the madrassa "MuyiMuborak", the fund of which has about 20 thousand books, among them about 3 thousand manuscripts and translations of the Koran in more than 30 languages.
The most unique manuscript, stored in the library, is the Qur'an of Usman ("The Koran of Osman"), dated 644-648 years. It was with the Ottoman Koran that all subsequent copies of the holy book of Muslims were made. The book written in the 7th century, made many trips: visited Medina, Damascus, Baghdad, Samarkand, St. Petersburg and Ufa. Now it is stored in the Hazrati Imam Library. Also, here are collected 30 thousand historical manuscripts and books brought from all over the world.
The Namazgokh Mosque, built in 1845-1865. during the reign of Kokand Khan Khudoyar, was, basically, the venue for Friday and festive prayers.In 1971, in Tashkent, in the Namazgokh mosque, the Imam Al-Bukhari Islamic Institute was opened, which specializes in training specialists with profound knowledge of the history of Islam and knowledge of the Arabic language.
The Tilla Shaikh Mosque was built in 1903 with the help of one of the Tashkent merchants TillaShaykh. Being one of the richest men of his time, he was distinguished for his justice, generosity and care for poor people. For the convenience of people who come here to pray, this structure consists of twopartes- mikhrabs.
The new cathedral mosque Hazrati Imam is made in the spirit of ancient traditions. The designer of the building with two domes and two minarets was AbdukakharTurdiyev. The special design of the window openings of the domes allows the sun to penetrate the inside of the mosque from sunrise to sunset. The interior of the two domes of the mosque is decorated with gold leaf. At the entrance to the mosque is an aivan with twenty carved columns of sandalwood. The height of the minarets reaches 53 meters.
    Complex "Hazrati Imam" amazes tourists with its beauty and is a sacred place of worship for Muslims


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