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Jami Mosque

Мечеть Джами

      The Jami Mosque or it is also called Juma Mosque (in the translation "Friday Mosque") is located in the northern part of Tashkent. It was built on a hill between three city squares - Chorsu, Khodra and Eski-Juva. The foundation of the mosque was laid in the IX century - it became the first mosque in the conquered Tashkent by the Arabs.
In 1451, on the funds of ShaykhUbaydullah Khoja Ahrar, the spiritual leader of the Sufis and the descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, a characteristic cube with a dome and an open arch to the east was erected on an ancient foundation. For centuries, the mosque, visible from any point of the city, was the basis of the original architectural ensemble, now almost completely lost.
Being the spiritual leader of the state, he decided to build a mosque and a madrasah as a gift to the residents of Tashkent, preparing to move to Samarkand, then the center of spiritual life. So there was a magnificent and elegant mosque Jami, or Friday mosque, the third largest in Uzbekistan. In 1868, the building was destroyed by a strong earthquake, but 20 years later, in 1888 it was finally restored with funds provided by the Russian Emperor Alexander III. In the Soviet era, the mosque was abandoned and fell into decay. In 2003 the mosque was rebuilt in the same place with the use of modern methods of construction and finishing.
The Jami Mosque is the third largest mosque in Uzbekistan. It is also the only mosque of the cathedral type in Tashkent. Today the mosque is not only one of the most beautiful temples of Tashkent, but also a very popular tourist attraction among the guests of the capital.


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