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Khanaka Nadir Devan Begi

Ханака и медресе Нодир Диван-Беги

     Khanaka Nadir Devan-Begi in Bukhara, built by Nadir, a sofa-run in 1619-1620 forms a kosh (in the Central Asian architecture, an ensemble consisting of two buildings built on one longitudinal axis by a facade to each other) with the Madrasah Nadir Divan-Begi. Both buildings are part of the Lyabi Hauz Ensemble.
   Khanaka and madrasahs are named in honor of Khan's dignitary Nadir Divan-Begi. Hanaka is translated from Persian as "home", "place." Khanaka is a Muslim religious structure designed for dervishes and their propaganda for Sufism.
Hanaka is a large multi-chamber building with a central dome hall, cut by shallow niches on the sides. In the corners of the building there are residential hujras (rooms). The shape of the monument is unforgettable. In the mirror of the pool, a pestak is reflected with a very slender central arch in a rectangular frame, entirely woven with majolica giri.
      On the eastern shore of the House there is a facade of a curious architectural phenomenon - the Madrasah of Nadir Devan-Begi. At first the building was built as a caravanserai, but at its solemn opening Imamkuli Khan, at the instigation of the sheikhs, proclaimed that it was a madrasah.
The main artistic value of the monument is the mosaic tympanum of the portal: among the floral ornaments are depicted fantastic birds bearing in the claws of white graceful deer. Madrasah Nadir Devan-Begi was built following the example of the Sherdor Madrassah in Samarkand.


Useful links:
Other sights of Bukhara
Tours round Bukhara

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