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Kok Gumbaz Mosque


        What can be more beautiful than natural colors. Green and blue colors soothe, give a sense of calmness and grace. So, the blue dome of the mosque Kok-Gumbaz symbolizes the blue sky over the evergreen city of Shakhrisabz. And the very name of this majestic sanctuary means "blue dome".
The mosque was built by the grandson of Amir Timur Ulugbek in 1435 on the foundation of an earlier building with a similar layout. The building is located on the same axis with the mausoleum of Kulyala. Architects in the planning of the building tried to maximally accurately adjust the height of the mosque with the mausoleum of Kulyal. This allowed to achieve an ideal symmetry between the buildings, which gave the entire complex a very harmonious and verified style.
The mosque was once adjoined by summer galleries, from which the foundations of square pylons supporting the arch were preserved. From the once huge structure, the central domed structure, covered with blue ceramic tiles, has been preserved. The diameter of the dome is 46 meters. The square hall is crowned with a spherical conic, resting on the hexagon. In the corners of the massive walls are built four spiral staircases. On the part of the outer dome, the remains of the Qur'anic texts, laid out in brick mosaic in a majolica frame, are read. The text reads: "Dominance belongs to Allah, wealth belongs to Allah."
In the eastern part of the mosque there is a mazar, on which the burial places of the clergy and nobles of the Barlas family are kept (Barlasas is one of the tribes of Mongol origin, descendants of Amir Timur). On the marble tombstones, the names of the commanders who participated in many campaigns are seen.



Useful links:
Other sights of Shakhrisabz
Tours round Shakhrisabz




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