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Kosh Madrasah: Modari-han Madrasah & Abdulla-han Madrasah

kosh medrese

    Historians highly appreciate Abdullah Khan's efforts to improve the territory. With it, thanks to the strengthening of the central authority, large-scale construction work was carried out. Abdulla Khan built more than 1000 buildings and fountains, many madrassas, mosques, bridges, reservoirs. In Bukhara, an extensive trade center was established.
      So in the western part of the historical part of Bukhara is Kosh Madrasah. It is an architectural ensemble consisting of two madrasahs: MedressaModari Khan and Medrese Abdullah Khan.
   Madrasas built in the XVI century are opposite to one another.
     Madari Khan was first built in 1566 - 1567. Modari Khan is translated as "Khan's mother", since this madrasah was built by the Uzbek Khan Abdullah Khan II in honor of his mother.
      The main facade of the Modari Khan of the rich is decorated with tiles of multi-colored brick mosaic that form geometric patterns. On majolica tiles there are images of butane flowers. But it should be noted that with all this, the facade decoration looks modest.
      The second Madrassah of Abdullah Khan was erected in 1588-1590. Madrassah of Abdullah Khan is a work of art of Asian architecture. In the decoration of the exterior and courtyard facades of the madrassa, sets of glazed bricks and majolica blue-and-blue scales are used.
      All the buildings of the madrasah are built around the patio. The mosque is two-story. In the courtyard are four aivans with high portals. The dome was originally designed. It is decorated with geometric patterns, representing five-, eight- and nine-pointed stars. All this gives the madrasah a festive look, especially at dawn, when the rays of the sun illuminate the facade of the building. The doors in the madrasah deserve special attention, they are collected from separate pieces of wood, without a single nail.
     It should be noted that the interior decor of the madrasah creates an unforgettable picture, characteristic only of Bukhara.


Useful links:
Other sights of Bukhara
Tours round Bukhara










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