General information
- Area: 447,400 km2.
- Population: 31 022 500 people
- Official language: uzbek
- Capital: Tashkent
- Time zone: +5
- Climate: continental, arid
- Administrative divisions: 12 provinces (viloyat) and autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan; 162 districts and 118 cities.
- Big cities of Uzbekistan: Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, Namangan, Fergana, Andijan, Karshi, Nukus,
Urgench, Kokand.
- The highest point: mountain Adelunga (4 301 m.)
- The lowest point: lake Sarikamish (Minbulak hollow) -12 m
- The largest rivers: Amudrya and Sirdarya
- The largest lake: Aral sea
- Neighboring countries: bordering Kazakhstan to the north,
Turkmenistan to the southwest, Tajikistan to the southeast, Kyrgyzstan to the northeast and Afganistan to the south.
- The total length of the border is 6622 km.
- It is the 56th largest country in the world by area (the sizes are similar with Sweden).
- The extreme point in the North is the Ustyurt plateau, which is located on the right bank of the Aral Sea.
- The extreme southern point is located on the Termez mountain (37 ° 13'N).
- The extreme point in the East is located in the Ferghana Valley (73 ° 10 ° E).
Useful links:
Tours to Uzbekistan
Historical sights of Uzbekistan