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Memorial complex of Bahauddin Nakshbandi

kompleks Naxshbandi

    Among the many Central Asian individuals, the most respected is the theologian Bahauddin Naqshbandi. Bahauddin Naqshbandi, also Baha ad-din Muhammad b. Burhan ad-din Muhammad al-Bukhari, also known as Khodja Buzurg and Shahi Naqshband - the founder of the Sufi order Naqshbandiya.
Bahauddin was born in 1318 near Bukhara in the village of Kasri-Hinduvan in the family of craftsmen. It is known that he has performed Hajj twice in his lifetime. His biography is not fully understood, since he forbade his students to record his deeds. The works of his followers are devoted more to questions of spirituality and morality.
Bahauddin Naqshbandi died in 1389 in his native village. After his death he was recognized as a saint, and also a patron of Bukhara. Thus, the habitat and burial place turned into a place of pilgrimage for believers and followers of Sufism.
In 1544, Khan Abd al-Aziz built a crypt and surrounding buildings over the grave of Bahauddin Naqshbandi. This complex has reached our days.
The complex of Bahauddin Naqshbandi includes madrasah (former theological school), two mosques with a minaret, a mausoleum and a small museum. In the necropolis of the complex lies the remains of both Bahauddin Naqshbandi himself and the remains of his mother and several rulers. Historical buildings complement the entrance hall (Darwaza) of modern construction with rich exterior decoration in oriental style. Surrounds the building is a well-maintained park with swimming pools and benches.
The complex of Bahauddin Naqshbandi is considered a very religious place, for tourists the museum is engaging, where subjects related to the teaching of Sufism are demonstrated. Here you can see old clothes, books, prayer rugs, boilers, in which the dervish food were prepared


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Other sights of Bukhara
Tours round Bukhara

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