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Museum of History of Uzbekistan

Museum of history of Uzbekistan

       The Museum of History of Uzbekistan is the largest and oldest scientific and educational center on the territory of Central Asia. It was the People's Museum of Turkestan, and the State Museum of Turkestan, later called the Central Asian Museum.
The museum exposition covers the history of Uzbekistan from ancient times to the present day. The structure of the exposition of the museum is based on the principle of continuity and progressive development in the territory of Uzbekistan of historical and cultural processes from ancient times to the present.
The museum's fund includes over 270 thousand antiques. Among them are the richest collections in archeology, numismatics, ethnography, material relics, archives of documents of new and modern history and photos of negatives, a scientific library with unique editions of the XIX-XX centuries. and earlier manuscripts.
Of particular interest is a large bronze Saka pot dating from the 4th - 5th centuries BC, and a sculpture of the Buddha of the 1st century AD, which was found by archaeologists during excavations in the Surkhandarya region of Uzbekistan. Among the unique exhibits are the remains of an ancient man from the Selangor grotto (1.5 million years BC), Teshiktash and Obirahmat.
The building of the Museum of History of Uzbekistan is four-storied. The first and second floors are designed for holding various exhibitions. The third floor shows samples of the history of Uzbekistan from ancient times to the Timurid era, which are of undoubted interest. Also here are exhibits of the period of the three khanates in the history of Uzbekistan: The Khiva and Kokand khanates, and the Bukhara emirate.
On the last floor are collected exhibits of modern history (19-21 centuries). Here you can find magazines and newspapers of Jadidids, the first theater posters, films and photos, immediately, in the museum, medals of the champions of Uzbekistan, won at different times for karate, wrestling, tennis.
The Museum of History of Uzbekistan is of great importance in the cultural, scientific and educational spheres of the life of the Republic. The museum collection, in turn, is of considerable interest for scientists, historians and foreign tourists, fond of the history of Central Asia



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