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Sheykhantaur Complex

Комплекс Шейхантаур

      Tashkent is a very modern city, with new buildings and monuments, but here there are places where you can see the old buildings of the past. One of such places is the Sheykhantaur complex. In this place you can really feel the spirit of the past and plunge into the world of the old East.
The heart of the complex is the mausoleum of the great Sufi Sheykh Havendi al-Tahur, or Sheykhantaur. Sheykh Khovendi at-Tahur was born in the 13th century. He was Seyd, which means that he belonged to the Quraysh (Quraysh) tribe, the native tribe of the Prophet Muhammad. Sheikh Omar was a dedicated Sufi, a follower of the dervish Hassan Bulgari. He arrived in Tashkent for the sole purpose of spreading Islam. Soon Sheikh Omar moved to the mountain village of Bogiston, where he spent the rest of his life. Here Sheikh Khovendi at-Tahur (Sheykhantaur) was born. Young at-Tahur, who aspired to learn not only the religious canons, but also the secular sciences.
As befitted Sufi dervishes, al-Tahur does not settle in one place, but wanders through the cities of Maverannahr. In all the cities in which he visited, the Sheikh earned respect for his enlightenment activities, caring for orphans and widows. Wherever he was not he struck his contemporaries with his knowledge and wisdom. After a long journey through Maverannahr, Sheykhantaur arrived in Tashkent, where he remained in the memory of people as "the wisest of the wisest." Sheikh died in 1355.
The mausoleum of Sheykhantaur is a complex of 16 ancient tombs, of which only 3 have survived to date. The main one is Sheikh Havendi-at-Tahur. According to legend, Sheykhantaur bequeathed to bury himself next to the trees, under which Alexander the Great rested. The will of the sheikh was fulfilled. And to this day, in the mausoleum are the remains of the petrified wood of the saury. According to the testimony of past eras, once they were here a whole grove.
Over time, a whole funeral complex was formed around the mausoleum of Sheykhantaur. Many outstanding personalities who left a mark in the history of Tashkent were buried here. One of them was Yunus Khoja, Khokim (head of the mahalla) Sheykhantaur, and the ruler of Tashkent, when in the 18th century Tashkent was a semi-independent city-state. Another outstanding personality, buried here - AlimkulParvarchi - Kokand general


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