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Tashkent Chime

Ташкентские куранты

   The Tashkent chimes were called chimes from the shores of the Baltic Sea - the suburbs of Koenigsberg, the former center of East Prussia, which became the Kaliningrad region of Russia after the war, but firmly embedded in the architectural appearance of the city and became native to the inhabitants of Tashkent.
Tashkent chimes, located in the center of the capital near the city hokimiyat, is one of the sights of the capital of Uzbekistan. They were opened on the eve of the second anniversary of the Victory Day over fascism, and since May 9, 1947, they are working in good order.
And the clock was brought by the inhabitant of Tashkent, the watchmaker Alexander Eisenstein, who served in the military period in the Quartermaster troops. Because of his poor vision, he was identified not in the forefront, but in the repair team where Sergeant Aizenstein - a descendant of a hereditary family of watchmakers who had arrived in the Turkestan region in the second half of the XIX century - was engaged in the reconstruction of a stereotube, artillery sights and other precision equipment.
        A competition was held for the project of the building for the clock by the architectural department of the city, and the best project was chosen, and the construction of the 30-meter tower was considered unique at that time. The decoration of the chime building was carried out with the active participation of the famous ganch carver (raw alabaster), renowned ornamental artist, honorary member of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, ustoShirinMuradov. Architect A. A. Mukhamedshin, Chief Construction Engineer V. Levchenko.
         A new look also took on the building of the chiming clock after its reconstruction in the nineties, and today a unique crimson ring is heard over Tashkent. A good memory of the long-time attendant of the chimes is alive.



Useful links:
Other sights of Tashkent
Tours round Tashkent


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